I haven't posted for a while, but it hasn't been because I'm lazy, I promise! I just couldn't think of anything at all to say. But I finally did, so here ya go!
This summer was actually pretty busy. We went camping a lot - so glad we've got our 5th wheel with a bathroom or I wouldn't be such a good little camper. My kids, on the other hand, could live outside and be perfectly happy. Maybe happier than they are to live in a house. Not sure how that happened...weird little things.
We went to Zion with my parents and sister's family - and had GORGEOUS weather. I was stressed because Zion is supposed to be hot. I hate heat. Not a summer person at all. But the whole time we were there it was like 70 degrees.

Then we had my niece and nephew stay with us for 3 weeks. The kids loved that. I realized that having a house full of kids is really hard and I have so much more respect for people with more than 2 kids...and I'm slightly terrified for when I have more than 2 kids. But we had a lot of fun.
Then Sienna left for over a month and I won't lie and say I was tough and made it through. I cried almost every night for 2 weeks until I'm sure Blair was wondering what the heck he'd gotten himself into. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. That's not to say that we did nothing while Sienna was gone. I tried to keep Carson busy so that he wouldn't miss her too much, so we went to the fair and playgroup and to Blair's aunt's cabin.
HOWEVER, I did make it through, and she came home, and we hurried to do lots of fun things before she had to go back to school, and before I got too huge to be any fun (That's about where I'm at now, btw).
Now things are settled down for a minute before we have the baby. Only 4 more weeks - Thank goodness! This will definitely be our last. I'm not a good pregnant person at all!